Hi there!
I’m Supriya, the creator, cook & photographer behind this website. Welcome!
Supriya Raman
I’ve been cooking since I could reach the stove. I made my first complete dish when I was 7. It was an incomparable thrill and I was hooked. Growing up, I remember being glued to watching my culinarily talented family cook. Whenever we’d visit friends and family, I would be in the kitchen playing host, helping them finish their cooking, and in some cases even do some last minute flavor rescues:) I was a teenager then.
Forward several advanced engineering degrees, moving continents, years of wearing the corporate executive hat, I’d found material success, but had lost my passion and purpose. I have since rebuilt my entire life around that childhood joy,made my passion a full-time job, and created a world around what I love the most – playing with food and feeding people.
People experiencing my culinary creation gives me immeasurable happiness. My culinary learnings from India have given me the incredible gift of understanding flavors, balancing spices, and making simple home food taste royal. With that knowledge, along with my love for learning about food from various cultures, I would love for the world to experience the variety of plant-based food I create.
I was vegetarian all my life, because I’ve always loved animals, big or small, and animals love me back! At the same time, there was a lack of knowledge and easily accessible information about the truth behind dairy & egg industry. I learned about how similar to the meat industry they were in animal cruelty. Once I knew, I went vegan.
When I moved continents, the most frequent question I was asked was “How do you even live without eating meat?” So, I became the person to inspire and educate everyone around me as to how much more diversity, flavor and variety existed in plant-based eating, if they just looked for it.
In my cooking, there is no conflict between enjoying childhood favorites, preservingcultural identity, eating adiverse variety, and living plant-based.
I live in Los Angeles with my partner and Deacon cat. Our first-born lovebug on the left, Sushi, crossed the rainbow bridge on October 13, 2020. Our favorite thing to do is spend time in animal sanctuaries.

Spending time with animals is therapeutic, and they teach us wisdom way beyond what any text can. My wildest dream is to run a rescue sanctuary for all animals. We are also experienced travelers, since we love meeting people, understanding all walks of life and enjoying nature.
Along with making the change to pursue cooking full time, the past few years have also been a personally transformative journey. I have worked on my physical and mental health, and quite literally, found myself. I will probably write an entire book about my experiences, but for now I’ll just say that the path to healing is hard, but finding who I am meant to be, has been worth the growing pains and so much more. I’m also passionate about women’s wellbeing, and occasionally write about the forces in a girl’s life that creates body issues, eating issues, and disorders. I’m happy to be a lending ear, and source of experience and stories, if you’d like. Just remember that you are never alone.
Much love and light,